2022 Coastal Writer’s Conference
Brookings, Oregon
September 8 - 9, 2022
The secrets revealed during this intimate conference will be applicable to everyone -- aspiring writers or published authors, and any genre you wish to write.
Not only will you return home with the magic of writing at your fingertips, but you will also have gained the supportive friendships of other writers.
But most important you will walk away with the confidence instead of those fears and doubts that had shouted inside in your head for so long. And in their place, you will be surprised to discover the courage to write your story and maybe even? …. Change the world!
And that, my friend is priceless!
Day One
9:00 - 9:30: Meet & Greet
Coffee, tea. Receive goody bags. Overview of Day One seminars. And Schmooze!
9:30 – 10:30: Seminar #1- What Makes a Good Story?
by Judy Howard
This is one of Judy Howard’s most well-received seminars. Judy is one of Amazon’s top-ranking authors and she will reveal basic tools as well as some of her writing secrets on how to create that memoir or Great American Novel into a book that you cannot put down.
Judy will cover the critical elements of plot, structure, and character development. Well seasoned writers will benefit as well as beginners..
10:30 – 11:00: Break
11:00 -12:00: Seminar #2: Writing & Publishing Part One
by GK Jurrens
Are you overwhelmed or confused with the the publishing process? There's no need to be! With nine published books and three more coming soon, veteran author GK Jurrens shares his streamlined writing and publishing process. Focused on simplicity and cost-effectiveness, Gene will walk you through the steps to ensure your writing process is manageable and your manuscript publication-ready.This seminar is a priceless hour packed with valuable information for the aspiring author as well as the novice.
12:00 – 1:00: Lunch
1:00 - 2:00 Seminar #3: I'm On My Way But Where?
by Judy Howard
Do you have an itch? An idea? Whether your restless desire is to become a writer, or a weaver, or a welder, it doesn’t matter. Has this nagging discontent niggled at you for years? Or, perhaps like a light bulb, it just blindsided you one day and now it won’t go away? And now you find yourself wandering without a GPS to show you the way.
Judy Howard's energy lights motivational fires in the hearts of her seminar attendees. She will show you how to access your own GPS satellite so you, too, can receive the pertinent signs and answers to that nagging question -- “I’m on my way, but where?”
Judy will send you home with the knowledge and tools at your disposal to become tapped in, tuned in and be turned on to Living a Purposeful Dream!
2:00- 2:30 Break
2:30-3:30 Seminar #4: Writing & Publishing Part Two
by GK Jurrens
G K Jurrens polishes off your writing and independent publication journey with a practical DEMONSTRATION using his latest novel as a real-world case study. As always, his focus remains on simplicity and cost-effectiveness as he demonstrates his progression from idea to worldwide publication and how to open the door to every major digital storefront including eBook, paperback and hardcover editions.
3:30 -5:30 Writing Workshop
Writing Prompts: Break off into solitary or small groups to prep for day two’s writing assignment.
6:00 - ? Dinner in town
Day One Wrap-up Pancho’s Restaurant and Cantina, Brookings, Oregon
Day Two
9:00 - 9:30 Review Of Day One
Share your feedback of day one? Questions?
9:30 - 11:30: Writing/Rewrite Session
Share commments, praise and questions about each others writing.
11:30 -1:00: Brunch
1:00 - 3:00: 2nd Writing/Rewrite Session
From Day one's writing prompts assignment
Or from a writing sample brought from home critique
Final comments and questions
3:00 - 4:00 Keynote Speaker - Ron N. Reel top ranking author and screen writer of "Aganist All Odds" soon to be a movie.
4:00 - 5:00 Conference Wrap-up:
Discussion, and attendee feedback
Networking, exchanging cards, emails, subscribe to our mailing list.
Receive one last hunk of swag
“Bonus” handouts: Crafting a Killer Blurb, A Writer’s Resource List,
6:00 – 8:00 Dinner on your own.
We are very sorry but the 2022 COASTAL WRITNG CONFERENCE is
Brookings, Oregon
Limited Attendance
First Name: _____________________Last Name:__________________________
Street Address:________________________________________________________
City:__________________________________State: ________Zip Code:_________
Email: _________________________________________________
Included in the conference price
Seminar One: What Makes a Good Story?
Presented by Judy Howard
Seminar Two: Writing & Publishing PART ONE

Presented by GK Jurrens
Seminar Three: I’M ON MY WAY! BUT WHERE?
Presented by Judy Howard
Seminar Four: Writing & Publishing PART TWO
Presented by GK Jurrens
Included in the conference price:
Participation in three different hands-on workshops will teach you writing techniques that will make your story come alive! Also, personal hands-on information will help you untangle the mysteries of selling and marketing your books. By the end of the conference, you will be bringing home a first chapter that will have you hungry to write the next chapter, and the next, and the next!
The secrets revealed during this small intimate conference will be applicable to everyone -- beginner or novice, and any genre you wish to write.
Not only will you return home with the magic of writing at your fingertips, but you will also have gained the supportive friendships of other writers.
But most important you will walk away with the confidence that those fears and doubts have vanished. And in their place, you will be surprised by the courage you have gained to write your story and maybe even change the world!
And that, my friend is priceless!
Bring 1-5 pages of your writing. - Optional
Receive one-on-one constructive and supportive critique.
• Use during workshops for feedback and to discover secrets that enrich and deepen your writing
Heads Up to published authors!
A Meet and Greet Table will be available for authors to display and sell their published books. Bring your books!!
All seminars and workshops are included in the conference price:
2-day Coastal Writing Conference $ 150.00 Check here___ Total Number ____X_ $150.00 = $_______
Bring a friend discount ($20.00 $ 260.00 Check here__ Total number ____ X $260.00 = $_______
Early Bird one-time discount Total number ____X $ 20.00 = $_______
( Before June 1, 2022) $ 20.00 Check here___
2022 Coast Writing Conference T Shirts Available For Sale
$ 28.00
SMALL___ Medium___ Large___ X- Large ___ XX Large___ Total Number___ X $ 28.00 = $_______
Lunches and drinks are extra and not included in conference price.
Sack lunches provided by the Railroad Street Café in Brookings.
Day One - Sack Lunches: $ 15.00 Check here ____ Total Number____ X $ 15.00 = $________
Day Two - Pizza: $ 15.00 Check here ____ Total number ___ X $ 15.00 = $________
Drinks will be available - $ 2.00 - not included in the conference price
Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks, and Water
Grand Total ____________ $________
Please indicate any dietary restrictions you may have.
You are welcome to bring your own sack lunch.
We are very sorry but the 2022 COASTAL WRITNG CONFERENCE is
For more information and questions contact:
Judy Howard
Email: jhoward1935@gmail.com
Phone: 951-544-3046